
2017年8月21日—SotheissueisbecauseoftheIPformats.$sever_addrwillget127.0.0.1oranylocalipforIPv4.WhileforIPv6itwouldget::1or ...,2023年4月28日—Whathappened:Iamtryingtousetheauth-urlredirecttovalidateaJWTtokenwithsomesnippetsandmyIDP/introspectendpoint.,2018年6月15日—Afterupdatingthecertficate,Itriedstartingmynginxserverwithsudosystemctlstartnginxandgetthiserror:nginx:[emerg]invalidport ...,2010...

"Invalid port in upstream" when using proxy_pass with IPv6

2017年8月21日 — So the issue is because of the IP formats. $sever_addr will get or any local ip for IPv4. While for IPv6 it would get ::1 or ...


2023年4月28日 — What happened: I am trying to use the auth-url redirect to validate a JWT token with some snippets and my IDP /introspect endpoint.

Cannot start nginx due to error

2018年6月15日 — After updating the certficate, I tried starting my nginx server with sudo systemctl start nginx and get this error: nginx: [emerg] invalid port ...

Does the nginx “upstream” directive have a port setting?

2010年9月28日 — I use upstream and proxy for load balancing. The directive proxy_pass http://upstream_name uses the default port, which is 80. However, if the ...

Invalid port in upstream #53 - kubernetesingress

2016年12月12日 — I figure out an an issue running the master branch. The nginx-ingress mapped an invalid port 0. I have 2 ports (22/80) exposed in this pod, ...

Nginx proxy pass directive

2021年5月4日 — 1 Answer 1 ... Everything before the @ is userinfo which should be encoded by the browser and included as a separate request header according to ...

NGINX reverse proxy upstream not connecting to specific port

2022年4月22日 — The problem was that the backend server was trying to listen to localhost ( rather than Changed it and it now works.

解决nginx配置负载均衡时invalid host in upstream报错原创

2019年3月22日 — 大概的也就出来了,就是设定负载均衡服务器的128主机无法访问,或者拒绝访问等等。 2. 查看设定负载均衡服务器列表的地方. upstream webservers .


2021年5月4日 — nginx: [emerg] invalid port in upstream in /etc/nginx/sites- ...